Aishwarya Agarwal

Aishwarya Agarwal
Aishwarya Agarwal

Adobe Research (Current)
IIT Bombay (BTech + MTech)

Hi! I'm a Research Associate in the Collaborative Creativity team of Adobe Research, India. My areas of interest include Representation Learning in Resource-constrained Scenarios, Self-supervised Learning and Customization of Text-to-image Generation models (Stable Diffusion).

I graduated from IIT Bombay, India, in 2022 with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s degree in AI & Data Science. My thesis was on Out-of-distribution generalization with applications in classification and retrieval where I worked under the supervision of Dr. Biplab Banerjee. During my undergraduate study, I spent six amazing months as a research intern at Adobe Research, India where I worked with Dr. Balaji Vasan Srinivasan on problems related to context-aware scene enrichment, and multimodal question answering.


Links: [CV] [LinkedIn]